
All day bag

Že dolgo časa sem si želela zašiti takšno torbico. In ko sem končno imela nekaj prostih dni, sem si vzela čas tudi za tole... Za vzorec sem vzela model Lotte Jansdotter, ki jo občudujem. v skandinavskem slogu oblikuje preproste, a čudovite zadevice iz tekstila, potiske - tudi na skodelice, krožnike, zidove...
Torbica je super za čez dan in jo preizkušam vsak dan. Pravzaprav je trenutno moja najljubša! Z majhnimi izboljšavami bodo naslednje sploh top.
I really wanted to sew a bag like this for a long time. And when I got a couple a days off, it was just the perfect time for a project like this. I took Lotta Jansdotter's all-day-tote as a model. I just love Lotta, she designs such simple, yet so beautiful stuff - from textile to plates, china and other in Scandinavian way.
Well, this bag is great for all things needed to be done during the day. In fact, it's my favourite at the moment! And with little inprovements it will be top!

Have a great day!


for orders write to: info@misspolka.com